CTEK Akulaadija ühendusklambrid akuklemmidele, 400mm* (56-262)
CTEK vastupidavad klambrid aku kiireks ühendamiseks
CTEK Durable clamps for quick connection to battery
The CONNECT - CLAMP is the practical, quick and easy way to connect your CTEK charger to your battery. It’s ideal for moving your charger quickly between different batteries in workshops or showrooms. It comes with a 2-year warranty.
Internetipood: www.autolux.ee
E-post: info@autolux.ee
Telefon: +372 5047047
Firma: KonmarAuto OÜ
Reg. number: 10428561
VAT number: EE100126949
Aadress: Kadaka tee 42C (juriidiline)
Tallinn 12915