WAECO MagicComfort MSH-601 istmesoojendus ühele istmele 12V ( 9600000394)
Täielik komplekt ühele istmele (juhiiste), paigaldatakse istme kattematerjali alla (sobib eemaldatava kattematerjaliga istmele).
WAECO MagicComfort MSH 601
The Dometic MagicComfort MSH 601 is a complete heat pad set for the driver seat in a vehicle. An integrated temperature guard ensures that you stay cosy, comfortable and safe. The pad inserts between the upholstery and the seat cover so the shape or look of the seat doesn’t change, just the snug factor. The pad works in a matter of seconds, so you can enjoy cosy, comfortable and luxury-class seating.
Delivery kit:
Internetipood: www.autolux.ee
E-post: info@autolux.ee
Telefon: +372 5047047
Firma: KonmarAuto OÜ
Reg. number: 10428561
VAT number: EE100126949
Aadress: Kadaka tee 42C (juriidiline)
Tallinn 12915